[Good luck! ] Wen Jae-kun who pushes forward on the sub-north line, promotes the early return of the US military base in Korea! Is the US-ROK alliance destroyed?

[Good luck! ] Wen Jae-kun who pushes forward on the sub-north line, promotes the early return of the US military base in Korea! Is the US-ROK alliance destroyed? The North North Line is extremely rare! ? Korea, early return of the US military base in Korea… Even Korean paper is “unusual” and surprised experts “insects are too good… The US-ROK alliance is abandoned after this” 2019.9.1 It is a violent violence on the Seihoku route. South Korea's Blue House (Korea Presidential Office) announced that it would promote early return of some US military bases in Korea. The Moon Jae-in administration has decided to abolish the Japan-Korea Military Information Comprehensive Protection Agreement (GSOMIA) and is strictly criticized by the United States. Furthermore, it is likely that the anger of the US military will be lit. Several Korean newspapers are reporting. According to the 30th Korean newspaper, Chosun Ilbo (electronic version), Cheong Wa Dae announced that the National Security Council (NSC) Standing Committee will be held on the same day to promote the early return of 26 US military bases in Korea. Among them, Yongsan base in Seoul seems to start the return procedure as early as this year, and it is unusual for Cheong Wa Dae to hold up to NSC and announce the policy of the early return of US forces in Korea. That's it. According to this announcement that even Korean newspapers are unusual, journalist Katsumi Muroya, who is familiar with the Korean situation, said, “Many 26 locations are not so strategically important bases such as supply stations and camps. Although it was a land that would eventually be returned, the intention to announce this time is that it has a strong presence in the United States that has been left behind, and there is a feeling that the national sentiment is increasing now I will explain. " When the US side, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeeo, rebelled against the Bun administration that destroyed the GSOMIA, which can be said to be the foundation of security in Japan, the United States, and South Korea, the Korean side called on the 28th US Ambassador to Korea on the 28th. He begged to restrain his expression of “disappointment and concern”. The criticism is not accepted, and it can only be said that the insects are too good, asking for the early withdrawal of the US forces in Korea that have protected Korea. As for the reason why the base return procedure is advanced early, the left-sided Hankyore (Japanese electronic version) on the 31st reported that it was to eliminate the economic and social traps. “Most of the land to be returned has already left the U.S. military. However, the people of the comfort stations are getting lost on the road. It is a victim of the recession. "I would like to direct the original evil as if it were in the United States. Of course, the future is the destruction of the US-ROK alliance and the unification of the North and South." * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.zakzak.co.jp/soc/news/190901/for1909010002-n1.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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