[Pickup] The reason why the social movements that the advertising agency and creators of its origins say “change the world” is only for those who are conscious

[Pickup] The reason why the social movements that the advertising agency and creators of its origins say This article is an article that introduces a list of topics that are on the internet. 1 : Masa Saito-kun, 2019/10/26 19:43:12 ID: ganryu_battle This is the reason why the social movements that the advertising agencies and creators of their creators say are "changing the world" can only be done by highly conscious people. Are you interested in a 45-year-old single aunt working at a local factory with a monthly salary of 120,000? But there are people who die. That's where you should be close. Real. https://t.co/dTrbV5Y5tC — Masa Saito-kun (@ganryu_battle) October 26, 2019 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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