[Sad news] Japan, this is Amazon today!

1 : Amuro, rude from outside FF 2019/10/24 (Thu) 02:04:11 ID: amuro_xem [Sad news] Japan, this is Amazon today! When you search for Dyson's cordless vacuum cleaner on Amazon, the first thing that comes out is a fake mystery maker. The account of a strange name for Japanese is highly praised for the fake of super-discount. Speaking of the real person, the account whose name has become Chinese kanji for some reason is one star, and it is throwing a comment that cuts the desire to purchase. This is Amazon today! https://t.co/sd7izXybo1 — Amuro (@amuro_xem) rude from outside FF October 24, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Sad news] Japan, this is Amazon today! [Sad news] Japan, this is Amazon today! [Sad news] Japan, this is Amazon today! document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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