[Sad news] Kim Jong-un: “Remove the shameless hotel built by South Korea.

[Sad news] Kim Jong-un: “Remove the shameless hotel built by South Korea. North Korea ’s Korea Central News Agency said that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Korean Labor Party, inspected the scenic area of ​​Mt. Geumgang and instructed to remove all the hotels built by the Korean side as part of the North-South cooperation project. Reported. Mr. Masanori also said that “the policies of the predecessors who tried to depend on others when the national power was weak were wrong”. According to the news, Mr. Masanori inspected the facilities constructed by the Korean side, such as Kai Kongo Hotel, and agreed with the South (Korea) to remove all the shabby facilities that would make you feel uncomfortable. A modern facility should be built. " * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASMBR2G2YMBRUHBI009.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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