[Image] Nobel Prize winner Akira Yoshino (71), pitching in a perfect form with a starting ball

[Image] Nobel Prize winner Akira Yoshino (71), pitching in a perfect form with a starting ball 1 : 2019/10/22 (Tue) 20: 25: 49.93 ID: Xt3okWVU0 ● .net Nobel Prize Akira Yoshino's opening ceremony "Forkball has been thrown" Japan Series Round 3 Akira Yoshino (71), honorary fellow of Asahi Kasei, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, held the opening ceremony on the 22nd before the match between Giant and Softbank (Tokyo Dome) in the third round of the Japanese series. Yoshino, who appeared in the uniform of the giant with the number “29”, cast a ball from the windup to the strike zone in one bound. Responding to big applause from the audience with a smile, “The course was good, but I threw a folk ball. It ’s a lot of heat. I was nervous. In his 30s when he was a company employee, he enjoyed playing grass baseball and his number was 29, the same as that day. Regarding this year ’s Japanese series giant, “(Round 3) is probably won. Tomorrow (23) It ’s a losing game. Won't you win the other three?” Predicted. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://news.line.me/articles/oa-sanspocom/4c10497a94ac   http://s.imgur.com/min/embed.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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