[Good news] Rugby was defeated, not because of power loss, but because South Africa deceived the referee

[Good news] Rugby was defeated, not because of power loss, but because South Africa deceived the referee Japanese backs cried because of their experience with South Africa. The other party started early because it was offside. It was completely offside to my eyes, but it wouldn't be a penalty if the referee did not blow the whistle. I think everyone was one step ahead of the offside line, and the timing to jump out was earlier. Japanese lines were shallow and there were many passes around while standing. If your opponent jumps offside, you should move one step down accordingly. Your opponent will not be able to focus on the tackle and will be easier to break through. The kick process, which was the task, was done perfectly and was ready. That's why it's unfortunate that we lost because of the experience that deceives even the referee. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20191020-10201153-nksports-spo document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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