[Kyoani arson] Shinji Aoba, enlightenment that the death penalty can no longer be avoided

[Kyoani arson] Shinji Aoba, enlightenment that the death penalty can no longer be avoided 1 : 2019/10/19 (Sat) 05: 04: 44.57 ID: 2A2McrYs0.net Susumu Aoba (41), who was arrested for murder and arson, was hospitalized with burns, but according to investigators, he recovered to get on a wheelchair with assistance, and occasionally It means that you are crying, but you are not in a state where you can hear the situation, and there is no prospect of arrest. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.mbs.jp/news/sp/kansainews/20191018/GE00030056.shtml document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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