[Crime] A Korean embassy and a passerby were accused of assaulting a man who had been arrested for alleged assault.

[Crime] A Korean embassy and a passerby were accused of assaulting a man who had been arrested for alleged assault. In September on the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, a male office worker in his 40s at the Korean embassy (Minato-ku) had been arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Shibuya Station for the assault on the 2nd, I learned from interviews with investigators. After finding out that he was an embassy member after the arrest, the station released male employees under the Vienna Convention on Foreign Relations. Later, he switched to a voluntary investigation and sent a male employee to the document on the same charges. According to investigators, a male employee is suspected of hitting a passerby's 20s man's face with his bare hands on the street in Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku in mid-September. At the time of the incident, male employees were drunk and seemed to have trouble with unacquainted men. After being released, the male employee responded to a request for appearance in a voluntary investigation, but he left the site because of the non-arrested privilege of the embassy staff. ◇ ■ Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Adopted at the Vienna Diplomacy Conference in April 1961 and entered into force in April 1964, granting the non-arresting privilege of diplomats, including administrative and technical staff, and the inviolability of the embassy ing. On the other hand, diplomats are obliged to respect the laws of the Contracting States and not intervene in domestic issues. Japan ratified the treaty in 1964. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.sankei.com/affairs/news/191003/afr1910030001-n1.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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