Female security inspector “This is a knife,” male customer “This is an eneen” Inspector “Hae ~”

Female security inspector “This is a knife,” male customer “This is an eneen” Inspector “Hae ~” 1 : 2019/09/26 (Thursday) 22: 23: 23.61 ID: YYV + AwX40.net In the baggage inspection at the airport, there should be a mistake that should pass through a man with a knife. The security checkpoint was blocked and all passengers were re-inspected. Employee "We are now closing everything in the security checkpoint for confirmation in the security checkpoint." It was Osaka / Itami Airport that suddenly closed the security checkpoint that inspected the baggage brought into the plane. An unbelievable mistake occurred in the tight security posture associated with the Rugby World Cup. According to the police and ANA, a knife was found in the baggage of a male passenger at around 7am on the 26th. The female clerk confirmed the actual thing in his hand, but he said, “This is yeah,” and the male customer passed the security check. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/fnn?a=20190926-00424662-fnn-soci document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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