[Sad news] JK tweeted about buying a car → Watari will die.

1 : Food spitting 2019/09/06 (Friday) 17:00:55 ID: takeihome [Sad news] JK tweeted about buying a car → Watari will die. JK is praised for car purchase ↓ 5ch ↓ It is listed on the summary site ↓ Partly specific personal movement ↓ Delete JK plaque ↓ Gama saw that he deleted the plaque and he thought he deleted it ↓ Buzz ↓ Buzz hoax is put on the summary site ↓ Chaos JK I think that this is the most correct answer as long as I investigated the flame — Poisoned (@takeihome) September 6, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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