[Sad news] If you go to a bookstore in Japan, books that hate you will line up, and if you get on the train, a hanging advertisement that hits someone will jump into your eyes

1 : Natsuki Yasuda Monday, September 02, 2019 22:19:15 ID: NatsukiYasuda [Sad news] If you go to a bookstore in Japan, books that hate you will line up, and if you get on the train, a hanging advertisement that hits someone will jump into your eyes In a society where books that hate are lined up if you go to a bookstore, and a hanging advertisement that hits someone if you get on a train jumps into the eyes, we adults talk to their children to “ stop bullying '' Will it be possible? — Natsuki Yasuda (@NatsukiYasuda) September 2, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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