[N country] Mr. Hotaka Maruyama, wwww

[N country] Mr. Hotaka Maruyama, wwww 1 : 2019/09/01 (Sun) 06: 23: 47.16 ID: gyf6HaPT0 ● .net The government also regretted. Does Takeshima really come back through negotiations? Isn't there no choice but to recover in the war? Shouldn't all options be excluded, including during the Korean peninsula emergency, when the SDF has been dispatched in the “specific territory of Japan” and expelled illegal occupiers? 〉 The government protests against the landing of Takeshima of the Korean legislature https://t.co/WOEGEn26CW — Hotaka Maruyama (@maruyamahodaka) August 31, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Isn't Kiriri “protesting against Korea” just a performance? Tamaki-sensei, it ’s better to have a joke. PS Please tell me how to shoot the youtube program I heard during this time! https://t.co/ND2Abw8qbW — Hotaka Maruyama (@maruyamahodaka) August 31, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Takeshima, the territory unique to Japan, is occupied by illegal occupants, and the other party is in such a situation. How do you get it back by means other than eliminating illegal occupiers by dispatching the Self-Defense Forces in various contingencies? Do you come back in the negotiations? Do you keep shelves forever while saying negotiations & regrets? I doubt. The end of the defeated country. — Hotaka Maruyama (@maruyamahodaka) August 31, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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