[Diffusion] Japanese manga artists have a hard time because of a company called MANGA ROCK.

1 : On Takahashi (“Iro Tori” representative: Atsushi Takahashi) 2019/08/27 (Tue) 21:03:36 ID: OnTakahashi [Diffusion] Japanese manga artists have a hard time because of a company called MANGA ROCK. [Diffusion hope] For manga artists, there is an app called MANGA ROCK on the App Store. You may think it's an official manga app, as it's only on Apple's store, but it's completely an "illegal aggregator site". Hundreds of Japanese cartoonists have uploaded their works and earned advertising revenue. #Manga — On Takahashi (“Iro Tori” representative: Atsushi Takahashi) (@OnTakahashi) August 27, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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