[Pickup] If the identity of the victims of Kyoto Animation is not disclosed, “If the whole picture of the incident cannot be accurately communicated to society,” isn’t there a problem in the way of reporting rather than whether it is published or not?

[Pickup] If the identity of the victims of Kyoto Animation is not disclosed, “If the whole picture of the incident cannot be accurately communicated to society,” isn't there a problem in the way of reporting rather than whether it is published or not? This article is an article that introduces a list of topics that are on the internet. 1: chestnut 2019/08/21 10:13:04 ID: amaguri7x If you do not disclose the identity of the victims of Kyoto Animation, "If the whole picture of the incident is not accurately communicated to society," isn't it a problem in the way of reporting rather than whether it is published or not? https://t.co/f81zYIw2tO — Sweet chestnut (@ amaguri7x) August 21, 2019 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Pickup] If the identity of the victims of Kyoto Animation is not disclosed, “If the whole picture of the incident cannot be accurately communicated to society,” isn't there a problem in the way of reporting rather than whether it is published or not? Related article document.write(” + ”);

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