[Sad news] DQN makes a topic that the result of dividing the cake into three equal parts is dangerous

[Sad news] DQN makes a topic that the result of dividing the cake into three equal parts is dangerous 1 : 2019/08/16 (Friday) 13: 20: 58.14 ID: s6zELD1U0.net Like the river flow of DQN, there are a lot of cognitive people in the world that we can not imagine. It's a good idea to buy and read the recent Shincho Shinsho "The delinquent boys who don't cut cake" I'm surprised by the facts The figure shows a junior and senior high school student's delinquent boy who "divided the cake into three equal parts and five equal parts". It's amazing https://t.co/4uwodpEAyM — Skyly @ Humun (@ skyly1225) August 15, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Sad news] DQN makes a topic that the result of dividing the cake into three equal parts is dangerous [Sad news] DQN makes a topic that the result of dividing the cake into three equal parts is dangerous   http://s.imgur.com/min/embed.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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