Starbucks Coffee Korea “Stop handling Japanese products” Participate in the Korean non-buying campaign for Japanese products

Starbucks Coffee Korea 1 : 2019/08/13 (Tue) 17: 35: 04.93 ID: Starbucks Coffee Korea virtually stopped placing orders for Japanese products as the Japanese product non-buy movement spread in Korea. Starbucks said on the 13th that “Starbucks, Origami, Veranda Blend” and “Via Matcha”, which were imported from Japan in the form of finished products, are global lineup products. " A Starbucks official said, “The import volume of the product has been insignificant and no additional orders are currently being made.” Starbucks' “Origami” series is an extractable coffee product made to pour hot water. Origami was taken from Japanese "origami" The product features a paper frame that is attached to make it easier to drink coffee. “Via Matcha” is a small package that makes it easy to make and drink “Green Tea Latte”. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source Related article document.write(” + ”);

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