[Declaration of war] NHK commented on the head of the Tachibana Party in N “I will take legal action if I cannot pay”

1 : 2019/08/09 (Friday) 01: 01: 36.80 ID: hwwBcmf / 9.net The party leader Tachibana, who protects the public from NHK, boarded the NHK broadcasting center to sign a reception contract. However, even if the contract is concluded, the receiving fee is not paid. NHK has commented on the action of the Tachibana Party leader on the 8th. “Today, at 14:00, the Tachibana party headed out and submitted a reception agreement. We will refrain from responding to individual contracts. For those who have declared that we will not pay at that time, we received those that received the contract. We will charge you a fee and we will take legal action if you do not pay. " * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://news.livedoor.com/lite/article_detail/16901319/ [Declaration of war] NHK commented on the head of the Tachibana Party in N Related article document.write(” + ”);

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