[True pine] There was a delivery company who was eating rice balls while standing in front of a convenience store, waiting for Chot.

1 : asa (3y daughter 3m son) 2019/08/03 (Sat) 09:35:41 ID: asa3ikuji [True pine] There was a delivery company who was eating rice balls while standing in front of a convenience store, waiting for Chot. There was a delivery company who was eating rice balls standing in front of the convenience store yesterday, and it was hot because it was a convenience store with eat-in, and when I said "What if I went inside?" In this heat. Some people complain in the car. . . It's not really good in a society that lets you say something like this. — Asa (3y daughter 3m son) (@ asa3ikuji) August 03, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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