Tsuneo Watanabe (93) “The Cusso Giants are losing 4 consecutive defeats!

Tsuneo Watanabe (93) “The Cusso Giants are losing 4 consecutive defeats! 1 : 2019/10/26 (Sat) 07: 33: 14.63 ID: N8fZD4d9a.net The giant lost the Japanese series in all four rounds. Tsuneo Watanabe (93) from the parent company's top Yomiuri Shimbun Group headquarters was also shocked. The night before, he rushed to the Tokyo Dome to watch the battle, but the enemy general's body was shown up and he confessed “Yake Sake” to Director Hara, saying, “I drank too much yesterday.” Still, he said, “I'll do my best again!”, So he felt the difference in power that made him angry with the strength of the team in Japan for three consecutive years. There may have been a lot of G-partys drinking alcohol with the same feeling. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20191025-00000008-ykf-spo document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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