[Sad news] Jojima leader (48), wwwwwww where the outrageous secret is exposed

1 : 2019/10/22 (Tue) 09: 21: 03.27 ID: hkxX86j20.net It is a habit to say "Women are 21 years old" “Jojima-san's young child lover is famous. For a time, he frequently went to the celebrity-owned membership lounge. It ’s a high-class cabaret club, but he ’s always nominated for a young child about 20 years old. “I'm 21 years old” is a habit (laughs). When a young child is attached, he is satisfied with "Pichi Pichi Yana" and touches his knees and arms. I asked a girl for an expensive fruit assortment and paid 150,000 yen in 15 minutes. I always visit Berobello and drink until I get drunk, but when I visited the store last summer after the Yamaguchi Incident, I asked the age of persistently, “ How old are you? '' (Restaurants) * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20191021-00014791-bunshun-ent document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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