[Image is] Nagoya University woman who caused the thallium incident, too dangerous

[Image is] Nagoya University woman who caused the thallium incident, too dangerous 3 : 2019/10/18 (Friday) 18: 41: 51.57 ID: sRHm + B0eM Former female student of Nagoya University who was murdered and attempted to murder, killing an acquaintance woman in Nagoya City, and having two high school classmates in Sendai City drink thallium sulfate as a deleterious substance (24 )about, By the 17th, the Supreme Court's Third Small Court (Chairman Hayashi Keiichi) decided to dismiss the defendant's appeal. The first and second trial judgments for imprisonment indefinite terms are finalized. Decision is 15th. https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019101700990&g=soc [Image is] Nagoya University woman who caused the thallium incident, too dangerous document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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