[Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator’s apology sentence is corrected by amateur

[Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator's apology sentence is corrected by amateur 1 : 2019/10/17 (Thu) 09: 25: 53.04 ID: t / n5sy + J0 If the teacher has an apology, there are so many things The word “Apologize 4 Teacher Apology” in the Kobe teacher violence case was terrible as an apology. The sentence of a female teacher in her 40s was so bad that she wanted to throw a spoonful while writing. https://t.co/V1V89Rg6jI — Janson's temptation @ Gratan (@ Jansson636) October 17, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator's apology sentence is corrected by amateur [Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator's apology sentence is corrected by amateur [Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator's apology sentence is corrected by amateur [Sad news] Kobe male teacher assault case, perpetrator's apology sentence is corrected by amateur document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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