[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www

[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www 1 : 2019/10/16 (Wed) 21:16:13 ID: Yellow race 52Hz_________ I recommended a mysterious beauty called blood cleansing. “Dirty and dark blood turns clean and red.” Is compulsory education still not over? I learned that vein blood is black because it contains a lot of carbon dioxide, and red when oxygen is taken in by the lungs. If you remove blood from the veins and oxidize it, it will turn red. [Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www October 16, 17:17 Like: 8,526 Retweet: 9,576 Continued Yellow Race 52Hz_________ Speaking of cleansing, the lungs do it 24 hours a day, even if you don't bother to get out of the blood and take the risk of infection. That's not the case. [Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection www[Flame] Minami Takahashi and Hachu are “blood cleansing” suspicious beauty stemmer → Gase medical care that only bears the risk of infection and detection wwwdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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