[Shock] In the Netherlands, 7 parents and children who have been living underground for 9 years waiting for the “end”

[Shock] In the Netherlands, 7 parents and children who have been living underground for 9 years waiting for the In North Holland, police found six men and six adult children who were hiding in the basement of a secluded farmhouse. The authorities revealed on the 15th. According to media reports, parents and children have been waiting for the “end” in the basement for nine years. According to RTV Drenthe, the local TV station that first reported the discovery of the family, the parents and children “had lived underground for several years waiting for the end”. It is said that there were people in the family who “did not know that there were other people”. According to the bureau, the family had no contact with the outside world, had a vegetable garden and a goat and lived a completely self-sufficient life. “The father had a stroke a few years ago and lay in bed. There was no wife.” Neighbors told the station that they didn't know the existence of their families and thought that only one man lived in the farm. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3249675 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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