[Good news] Oba-chan (single) in business goes to retirement in December

[Good news] Oba-chan (single) in business goes to retirement in December 1 : 2019/10/14 (Monday) 18: 19: 00.58 ID: oNcTfZ / sx.net Our female salesman Oba-chan (single) said, “I will leave the company in December.” The other person is an American who met on SNS. The surgeon earns $ 20,000 a month. The savings were shown 300 million photos. I haven't met yet. It seems to give a wedding when I come to Japan. It seems that she has sent 200,000 yen with her marriage fund. The whole company is in a festive mood! Do you understand the meaning? — Frog (@koganekaeru_bit) October 13, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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