[Sad news] What J people typhoon measures to fill the game console

[Sad news] What J people typhoon measures to fill the game console 1 : 2019/10/10 (Thursday) 15: 10: 13.02 ID: tfeR0dZuM1010.net 513: Nameless []: 10/2019 (Thu) 14: 04: 43.66 ID: 0M2ZA7vHM1010 I put it in ps4 and Switch ziplock and buried it in the ground This breaks 554: Nameless if wind blows []: 2019/10/10 (Thursday) 14: 08: 07.52 ID: 0M2ZA7vHM1010 >> 536 There was a huge zip lock, I always put 5kg of rice and ate all the ps4 569: If the wind blows, it will be anonymous []: 2019/10/10 (Thursday) 14: 09: 02.70 ID: 0M2ZA7vHM1010 >> 557 Wye can move, so it ’s okay. 577: Nameless if the wind blows []: 2019/10/10 (Thursday) 14: 09: 36.61 ID: 0M2ZA7vHM1010 >> 565 why? I will be skipped document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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