[Typhoon No. 19] This rain and wind despite being quite far from the center of Ogasawara, Typhoon (; ´д `)

1 : Rail 2019/10/10 (Thursday) 19:34:39 ID: sorakado_rail [Typhoon No. 19] This rain and wind despite being quite far from the center of Ogasawara, Typhoon (; ´д `) Ogasawara has already been affected by Typhoon No. 19, but despite being quite far from the center of the typhoon, this rain and wind (; ´д `) hitting the typhoon course directly caused considerable damage. I feel like it's going to happen … Please take care of the mainland (> _ <) https://t.co/axwr8v2102 — Rail (@sorakado_rail) October 10, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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