[Sad news] Mayor of Kobe “Stop the gymnastics” Teacher’s committee “Do it because you can achieve a sense of unity” → Results

[Sad news] Mayor of Kobe The Kobe City Board of Education announced on the 7th that from the end of August this year, 51 students and students from 30 municipal elementary and junior high schools were injured and 6 of them were broken during the exercise training. In the city, Mayor Kizo Kumoto requested the City Board of Education to arrange for gymnastic exercises in August, but the City Board of Education continued as “a program that gives a sense of unity and achievement”. The City Board of Education says "I want to consider including cancellation after the next fiscal year." * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://news.goo.ne.jp/article/yomiuri/nation/20191008-567-OYT1T50188.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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