End of Michibata Angelica. “In the first place, the position of the security camera in the private room is strange.

End of Michibata Angelica. “In the first place, the position of the security camera in the private room is strange. 1 : 2019/10/09 (Wed) 08: 08: 21.29 ID: fpvGhRUrM.net On the 8th in the case where Kim Jong-hee (37), husband of model Roadside Angelica (33), was arrested for suspicion of extortion, the investigator said, “There is no intention. " Police officials complain, “Normally, a camera is installed at the doorway to prevent suspicious people from entering, but this time it is a private room. Other investigators also said, “Now, customers often don't notice because they can set the camera freely and send images wirelessly. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2019/10/09/kiji/20191009s00041000053000c.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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