[Sad news] The result of going to the Aichi Triennale and writing an opinion in the corner where the opinion is written and pasted.

1: withered 2019/10/07 (Mon) 00:21:10 ID: nae78anrin [Sad news] The result of going to the Aichi Triennale and writing an opinion in the corner where the opinion is written and pasted. I went to Aichi Triennale today! I put this paper in the corner where I write and paste my opinions. (Please pass through if the character is dirty). But after about an hour, it was peeled off. Https://t.co/HTi3ux3RvW — Nae (@ nae78anrin) October 7, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Sad news] The result of going to the Aichi Triennale and writing an opinion in the corner where the opinion is written and pasted. document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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