[Sad news] Special magazine criticizes Aeon’s TOPVALU whiskey “Takuan and cough taste”

[Sad news] Special magazine criticizes Aeon's TOPVALU whiskey It is a hot topic on the Internet that the AEON group's private brand “TOPVALU”, published in whiskey magazines, is too hot. As for the aroma, “the pale impression of cotton candy. Baumkuchen appears. “Plum wine sour under a shining asphalt guard. I struggled during my school days” (Suzuki) And expression. As for the flavor, “Slight sweetness of coconut. Takuan, spicy element of bamboo leaves” “Cold concrete. Doctor pepper. Cough medicine for children. Avant-garde.” (Mr. Suzuki) Explained. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://blogos.com/article/408715/ document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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