Korean bureaucracy “We posted a video on youtube, but we can’t comment on it … Are we not popular?”

Korean bureaucracy “We posted a video on youtube, but we can't comment on it ... Are we not popular?” On September 19, the Korean Employment and Labor Department (corresponding to the ministry, the same applies below) included YouTube channel and Lee Jegap ’s participation in the “Skill Korean Award Ceremony of the Month” Uploaded a 2 minute video. This video tasted the “humiliation” that no one was able to respond even after 5 days. On the same day, the Ministry of Environment posted a two-minute video shot on the YouTube channel when Secretary Cho Myung-Re visited a wild boar capture facility related to African pig cholera. This video has no wrestling. On September 18th, the Education Department uploaded a video of Secretary Yoo Eun-hee who visited a college student dormitory on YouTube. The contents criticized the Education Department. Some government departments (equivalent to Japanese ministries) have started public relations activities through YouTube, but there are voices pointing out that they are virtually ineffective. The current situation is that it has not been attracting public attention because the actions of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary have been filmed and uploaded, and it has remained in unilateral policy public relations. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source http://www.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/10/04/2019100480144.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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