[Sad news] Teacher “I’ll do the problem with the truck” Parents “Do not teach children such things!”

In Iwakuni City, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and in the east, there is a class based on the “Trollo Problem”, a thought experiment that asks if one person can die to prevent many sacrifices. The school principals apologized in writing to the parents of the children and students for not confirming the course contents. The print includes an illustration depicting the figure of a person holding the lever at the branch point, with the tip of the track where the trolley travels branching left and right, five people on one track and one person tied to the other . "If you keep going, five people are lying on the track. If you pull the lever, it will be a way for one person to lie down. The truck is not braked. “ Do you want to pull the lever or leave it? '' And there were written options of “ fate that five people will die without doing anything '' and “ fate that one person will die by pulling the lever yourself '' . The class was aimed at getting people to know the importance of asking for help when they were unsure of their choices or felt uneasy. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://mainichi.jp/articles/20190929/k00/00m/040/044000c document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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