[Sad news] High school teacher in Korea “I can never beat Japan” → The class is removed.

[Sad news] High school teacher in Korea “I can never beat Japan” → The class is removed. 1 : 2019/09/29 (Sun) 09: 06: 00.87 ID: CAP_USER.net * Original article of Yonhap News (Korean) High school teachers in Busan insist on “Japan's victory in Korea-Japan economic war” in class https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20190926172600051 On September 26, 2019, according to the Korea-Yonhap news, a professor at Yonsei University in South Korea has been criticized for saying "Japanese comfort women were a kind of prostitution". Teachers are controversial in the class saying that Korea cannot win the economic war with Japan. According to the Busan City Education Agency, a history teacher at the high school recently said, “Moon Jane ’s government won a Korean victim in the Supreme Court ’s personal compensation ruling, aiming for an advertising effect. In Japan, the money was paid in 1965 and why it must be raised again, and from that, the Japan-Korea economic war broke out. " On top of that, "If Korea and Japan fight (economic wars) (Korea) will never win. If wars, 10 million people will die in Japan, 30 million people will die in Korea, and will eventually be eaten by China." Insisted. He also said that he made a critical statement regarding the policy for improving the North-South relations promoted by the current government. A student who recorded this statement and made it public explained that “I recorded the old story unilaterally, so I recorded it unbearably”. This caused a ripple, so the Education Agency began investigating the teacher and removed the teacher from class. The teacher said to the Educational Agency survey that "I didn't think it would spread the ripples so far. I'm sorry for the students." From Korean network users "Are you really a teacher? Not logical at all" "The root of the parent day seems deeper than I thought." "I want people with pro-Japanese thinking not to be on the platform" Some criticism has been heard. On the other hand "I'm not saying anything wrong" “Teachers should n’t say this much.” "The fact that we cannot beat Japan in the economy" "So far the problem? Anyone who is critical of the current administration is likely to be caught." There are also voices advocating. September 29, 2019 (Sunday) 8:00:00 https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b747138-s0-c30-d0058.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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