[Pickup] [Image] A salaryman who picked up a woman in Akihabara, her face is exposed all over the world

This article is an article that introduces a list of topics that became a hot topic in Alfalfa Mosaic. [Image] Office worker who picked up a woman in Akihabara, her face is exposed all over the world [Pickup] [Image] A salaryman who picked up a woman in Akihabara, her face is exposed all over the world 1 : 2019/09/28 (Sat) 15: 57: 50.49 ID: U9FtMGjG0.net subaru @ PleiadesXX I encountered a vicious pick-up man at Akihabara Station. Speaking at the entrance of the ticket gate and refusing softly, “I want to go to the No. 5 platform. You can reach home while saying "I am not Japanese", and if I strongly refuse to say "I don't want to talk to you", I'm going to abuse "Death" and "Feeling bad" [Pickup] [Image] A salaryman who picked up a woman in Akihabara, her face is exposed all over the world   http://s.imgur.com/min/embed.js   http://s.imgur.com/min/embed.jsdocument.write(” + ”); read more

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