[Sad news] Elementary school teacher → 彡 (^) (^) “The horizontal line of this multiplication is handwritten … 160 questions! Redo everything!”

[Sad news] Elementary school teacher → 彡 (^) (^) “Why do we need to draw all horizontal lines with a ruler?” A specially-equipped interview team was consulted by a woman (34) of a 5th grade boy who was attending an elementary school in Fukuoka Prefecture. After submitting summer vacation homework, the teacher was told to rewrite it, assuming that the horizontal line was handwritten. Investigated the background of teaching. According to the woman, the homeroom teachers regularly teach them to use a ruler. Boys have followed the basics, refusing to be warned while questioning. This time, it was judged by himself that part of the calculation would be "good" and he drew a line by hand. Then, there was a call from the homeroom teacher asking the parents to rewrite. The target is 160 questions. Asking the reason, “calculation errors are reduced and everyone is doing it.” The woman wonders, “The rhythm of calculation breaks down, and it may be studying to find a way to take notes of your own.” * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190924-00010000-nishinp-soci [Sad news] Elementary school teacher → 彡 (^) (^) document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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