[Sad news] Asahiyama Zoo, the number of visitors will be less than half of the peak

1 : Tomomi 2019/09/24 (Tue) 11:37:14 ID: tomomi_0623 [Sad news] Asahiyama Zoo, the number of visitors will be less than half of the peak Asahiyama Zoo, the number of visitors is less than half of the peak, and it can not cover the animal's food fee, so it seems that the entrance fee for adults will be raised to 1,000 yen, but even a 1,000 yen cheap experience It ’s so much fun that everyone can go. It ’s really fun. — Tomomi (@ tomomi_0623) September 24, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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