[Sad news] 50 million genetically modified mosquitoes scattered by scientists, creating monsters

[Sad news] 50 million genetically modified mosquitoes scattered by scientists, creating monsters 1 : 9/22/2019 (Sun) 21: 43: 11.84 ID: FyVP7hiV0.net The research team used OX513A, which was a cross-bred of Mexican individuals based on the Cuban Aedes aegypti, in Jacovina, Baya, northeastern Brazil, for 450,000 every week for 27 months from June 2013 to September 2015 An experiment was conducted in which one “OX513A” was released. The population of Aedes aegypti decreased initially, but after 18 months it recovered to the scale before the start of the experiment. Prof. Powell sees, “It may be because a female Aedes aegypti has avoided mating with“ OX513A ”. The research team analyzed the Aedes aegypti gene samples 6 months, 12 months, and 27-30 months after the start of the experiment, and also confirmed that the gene of “OX513A” was integrated into Aedes aegypti in nature. The percentage of Aedes aegypti that inherits the gene of “OX513A” is estimated to be 10% to 60%. The research team pointed out that "mating the moss that lived in Jacobina with OX513A, which was born from Cuban and Mexican individuals, could have resulted in a more robust individual with sufficient fertility." ing. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2019/09/post-13019.php document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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