[Sad news] “We collected 390,000 signatures to punish Kozo Iizuka” → NHK “signatures to prevent the recurrence of accidents”

[Sad news] “We collected 390,000 signatures to punish Kozo Iizuka” → NHK “signatures to prevent the recurrence of accidents” 1 : 2019/09/21 (Sat) 16: 47: 28.29 ID: TjCK + qf60.net Miyuki Watanabe @ mipom11 In NHK news, the bereaved family reported that they collected 390,000 signatures to prevent the recurrence of the accident, In fact, the signatures collected by the bereaved were those that demanded severe punishment from the perpetrators. Why did NHK blur the essence of signature activities? Is the perpetrator a senior citizen? Will it be reported again? I think. Only for NHK. September 21, 04:26 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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