[Pickup] ZOZO Maezawa “The reporter of Bunharu was a very polite person, I ’m looking forward to the article” → Results wwwwwwwww

This article is an article that introduces a list of topics that became a hot topic in Alfalfa Mosaic. ZOZO Maezawa “The reporter of Bunharu was a very polite person, I ’m looking forward to the article” → Results wwwwwwwww [Pickup] ZOZO Maezawa “The reporter of Bunharu was a very polite person, I ’m looking forward to the article” → Results wwwwwwwww 1 : 2019/09/19 (Thu) 12: 48: 53.84 ID: I received a call from a number I didn't know so many times. The voice of the child is heard from the back of the phone, and that's right. The reporter of Bunharu is also the same parent as everyone. Because it was very polite, it was past 22:00 at night. (Continued) We responded to a telephone interview for about 20 minutes. You said that you had to submit your manuscript by Monday night. Even though the world is a holiday, it ’s really hard. I'm looking forward to the article. Oh, but there is a request that I only want to say one thing. (to be continued) It seems that my friends and acquaintances feel free to call me to find out where I got the numbers. If you have any questions, I will answer everything, so please refrain from making a sudden call to a friend or acquaintance. Everyone says their life has been shortened. Nice to meet you According to a report from a friend, this week suddenly came a telephone interview from Shincho-san. Well, I was really in trouble Isn't it Bunharu vs Shincho? If that's the case, Shincho-san and Bunharu-san talked with me directly on the phone yesterday night, so I got a step ahead! If you know my cell phone, you can call me! ? Lol The mobile phone number seemed to be unknown, and Mr. Shincho sent a letter of inquiry to another window by email. Please arrive around 17:30 and answer by 19:00. Oh! Lol Well, I answered in a hurry, but the questions were almost the same as Mr. Bunharu. Anyway, please make sure that the article has no lies. Thank you very much for your holiday. ↓ result [Pickup] ZOZO Maezawa “The reporter of Bunharu was a very polite person, I ’m looking forward to the article” → Results wwwwwwwwwdocument.write(” + ”); read more

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