[Chiba disaster] Governor Kensaku Morita “Who is bad, this is not bad”

[Chiba disaster] Governor Kensaku Morita “Who is bad, this is not bad” On May 18, Governor Kensaku Morita of Chiba visited the prime minister's official residence with the LDP's prefectural parliamentarians and requested Prime Minister Abe to designate the disaster as early as possible. After meeting with the prime minister, Mr. Morita told reporters that he had a very positive story. Regarding the criticism of the response of the country, prefecture, TEPCO, etc., he stressed, “It was true that we were confused, and there were various problems in the mess. Who is bad, this is not bad”. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20190918-OYT1T50240/ document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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