[Sad news] In this situation, Korea will disappear from the earth.

[Sad news] In this situation, Korea will disappear from the earth. A senior Korean government official accused of preparing! "South Korea disappears from the earth in the Bunroku-an" It seems that President Bun, who publicly defeated Japan as "just a thief", no longer has the will to build a future-oriented Japan-Korea relationship. In response to such a bun administration, the acquaintances elite in Korea raised their voices. “If the ruling party that supports the civil administration,“ Democratic Party ”and“ National Party ”win in the general election of the Korean Parliament held in the spring of 2020, the country of South Korea will disappear from the earth.” Korean government official X, who has been active at the forefront of diplomacy with Japan, reveals a sense of crisis. “Prisonment for crimes against the nation” Japan and South Korea have maintained a cooperative relationship for many years for “North Korea”. Among them, the National Information Service (National Information Service), which reports directly to the President of Korea, shared information with Japanese government agencies and had a close exchange. However, the Bun administration said, “It has ordered Japan not to provide any information about North Korea,” said Mr. X. The aim of the civilian government advocating pro-North Korea is to unite with North Korea. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20190917-00014105-bunshun-int&p=1 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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