[Go for it] South Korea “Let’s cancel the Japanese war criminal company non-buy regulations”

[Go for it] South Korea 17 city and district chairpersons nationwide decided to cancel the legislative proceedings of the draft regulations restricting the purchase of Japanese war criminal company products. The National City / Chairperson Council will hold a private meeting in Seoul on the 17th, and the legislative proceedings will be suspended as much as possible in the 12 parliaments where the related ordinances have been proposed or are under consideration. did. Seoul City, Gyeonggi-do, Busan City, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do have already passed the war crimes company-related ordinances at the plenary session. "Respond with consideration to". If the mayor or the governors looked at the contents and the purpose of the ordinance draft as a problem and requested reconsideration, they revealed that they could accept it. The provincial government's aggressive persuasion is believed to have influenced the local council's decision to suspend the war criminal company regulations drafting process. The officials of related departments such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Public Safety and Security, etc. visited the local assembly chief to inform them of the problems of the ordinance draft and are embarking on an active persuasion. Shin Won-chul Seoul City Council Chairman, who is the chairman of the National Council of City and Road Councilors, said, “In addition to the legislative purpose, we put together opinions after thinking about national interests.” * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source http://www.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/09/18/2019091880006.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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