[Fear] Wai, if you run along the road, you will be killed by the BMW that divided the center.

1 : ZZR1400 riding somin 2019/09/15 (Sun) 18:46:55 ID: somin2525 [Fear] Wai, if you run along the road, you will be killed by the BMW that divided the center. Speaking of that, if I was running a saddle road going to Nagano today, I was preaching after being killed by the BMW that divided the center. “ I was showing the GOPRO video because I was paradoxing, and it was a place where my trip was ruined https://t.co/YQgr5gXlw3 — Somin on the ZZR1400 (@ somin2525) September 15, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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