[Correct theory] Writer “No, seriously, the reason why SF was destroyed” Koi Wai

1 : KOPIRAITA writer @ Fukakura Monday, September 16, 2019 00:22:37 ID: kazakura_22 [Correct theory] Writer No, this is the fact that science fiction has been destroyed. And one of the main reasons why “different world” is popular instead. Just because there is no trouble with the physics police, but in that different world, recently a cultural civilization police thing came out, so the "average knowledge level" of the reader who became a "game-like world" continues to rise, The story was flew to another world https://t.co/oOPxUxUIcB -Kopiraiita writer @ Fukakura (@ kazakura_22) September 16, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Correct theory] Writer [Correct theory] Writer [Correct theory] Writer document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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