[Breaking News] Takashi Tachibana vs Makoto Sakurai broke out

[Breaking News] Takashi Tachibana vs Makoto Sakurai broke out 1 : 2019/09/12 (Thursday) 22: 15: 07.03 ID: 8wV / 4cX4M.net I received a protest from Makoto Sakurai, the leader of the first party in Japan. I requested a meeting directly. I received a protest from Makoto Sakurai, the leader of the first party in Japan. I requested a meeting directly. https://t.co/UnKxY7WZ1Z — Parliamentary YouTuber Takashi Tachibana Party to protect the people from NHK [President] (@tachibanat) September 12, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Breaking News] Takashi Tachibana vs Makoto Sakurai broke out document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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