[Sad news] The driving driver’s tearful eyes with increased “Dorareko Monster” that exposes the driving

[Sad news] The driving driver's tearful eyes with increased “Recently,“ Aoraseya ”has appeared that runs slowly on purpose, angers and records and exposes. In the future, it will be necessary to set a tag for such actions. It must be defined and shared with everyone ” As more and more cars are equipped with dorareco, traffic manners are being watched closely, and some of them are also "fun criminals" who are aiming to post videos. In addition, Mr. Sano says that there are more troublesome people besides "Aoraseya". “We often see drivers who keep driving in the overtaking lane at a slower pace with a dorareco in the back. The following cars are also pointed at the camera, so they are uneasy to be exposed and can't appeal anything. “ In many cases, the person sitting in the overtaking lane seems to have a sense of justice, that is, strict speed, rather than bad spirits. '' Well, because the speed limit is kept, is it the reason that the following car that tries to overtake it is bad? If you come to this point, this is a “Dorareko Monster” that will dread the surrounding drivers with Dorareko as a shield and eventually worsen the traffic situation! ? * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20190912-01097190-playboyz-soci&p=3 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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