[Public Opinion Survey] 80% of Japanese (not to say Japanese) “improve Japan-Korea relations”

[Public Opinion Survey] 80% of Japanese (not to say Japanese) On September 9, 2019, Korea-Yonhap News reported that 8 out of 10 Japanese think that “Japan-Korea relations should be improved”. The article conveys the results of a telephone poll conducted by TBS-related media JNN on 1167 voters over the age of 7-8 this month. According to the survey, 79% of respondents answered that it is better to improve the relationship between Japan and South Korea, which continues to deteriorate. On the other hand, 76% answered that they could not understand the South Korean government's decision to abolish the Military Information Comprehensive Protection Agreement (GSOMIA), while only 9% understood it. Regarding the measures taken by the Japanese government, which excluded South Korea from the export preferential “White” (currently Group A), 59% said it was “appropriate” and 24% said “not appropriate” 17% withheld a reply. At the summit meeting between Japan and Korea, 50% of respondents said they had to hold the meeting early, and 38% said they did not have to hold it early. In response to this, on the Korean network, “I need to improve, but Japan doesn't want to change at all, but demands to change only to Korea.” “Even though economic retaliation continues, Japan-Korea relations will be restored. There are many opinions that point out that "Improving Japan-Korea relations as seen by the Japanese means that Korea will kneel down in Japan. Also, “This is not just because I hate Japanese people. I don't like the attitude of Japan's current administration towards Korean citizens.” “If you want to improve the relationship, you have to change from Japanese citizenship first. There are also comments referring to the cause, such as "I lost my hate" and "I apologize for the past history and I will not improve unless I give up Takeshima". (Translation / Editing / Matsumura) * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.recordchina.co.jp/newsinfo.php?id=743526&ph=0&d=d0127 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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