Dr.STONE, in order to avoid scientific lies, he tried not to draw an important procedure.

1 : Riichiro Inagaki (Richiro) 2019/09/06 (Friday) 19:21:28 ID: reach_ina Dr.STONE, in order to avoid scientific lies, he tried not to draw an important procedure. Dr.STONE often avoids scientific lies as much as possible by saying “do not draw a single important procedure”. For example, early black powder, one important step is done outside the camera, so it won't be as fragile as it is. It ’s faster to disassemble the fireworks. (Do n’t do it.) Do n’t do it because it ’s meaningless. https://t.co/qitfCX9I1E — Riichiro Inagaki (reach) (@reach_ina) September 06, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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