[Sad news] Keikyu Driver “I was guided by the truck luck”

[Sad news] Keikyu Driver 1 : 2019/09/07 (Sat) 12: 02: 02.91 ID: W6CcL62q0.net An accident occurred in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture on the 5th, when Keikyu Corporation's train and truck collided, and one person died and 35 people were injured. Although some sections continued to be suspended, operation resumed around noon on the 7th. Around 0:43 am on the 7th, the leading car that had remained on the track until the end was put on the carriage and removed. Currently, restoration work on sleepers and overhead lines on damaged tracks continues, and Keikyu Corporation aims to resume operation from around noon on the 7th. On the other hand, when the truck got stuck in front of the railroad crossing during an interview with the investigator, two Keikyu drivers happened to pass by and asked the truck driver to "guide me", turn right and cross the railroad I found out that he was also guiding him when he entered. After the truck entered the railroad crossing, the driver pushed the emergency button because the barrier was lowered, but the truck and the train collided. It was also found that the truck entered a narrow alley along the track and turned to the accident site in a way that turned back in the original direction, unlike the normal driving route. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/nnn?a=20190907-00000098-nnn-soci document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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